Friday Findings will consist of finding something interesting on the interwebz and sharing it . . . on Friday . . .
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May not seem too original but, 'HEY!' with nothing new under the sun let's just embrace Friday Findings with open arms!!
Today's FF, (Which will be the official short-hand of Friday Findings) comes from an older blog that I didn't know existed until recently.
To read the whole article, Click Here :-)
"Tuesday, September 29, 2009
It's not Saturday worship, it's SABBATH worship! A visit to a Seventh-day Adventist church
During the nearly six years that The Knight Shift has been blogging the exploits and ideas of its eclectic proprietor, I've chronicled a lot of interesting topics. This next one easily ranks up there among the more fulfilling things that I've had the pleasure of writing about. And I can't help but feel like I came away from this with not only newly-found appreciation and respect for brothers and sisters in our Lord that I might otherwise have never had fellowship with, but also a deepened and even more profound grasp - however inadequate it must always be so long as I persist in this carnal realm - of what it means to be a follower of Christ.
Along the course of my travels I have visited many a place of worship: from every flavor of Baptist church to (accidentally) walking into a sanctuary of snake handlers. And everything in between from Catholic to Mormon, to a Jewish synagogue once upon a time. As a professional journalist I was even once sent to report on a gathering of pagan worshipers.
But it's been all too rare that I've taken the opportunity to meet in fellowship with other Christians and not as a detached observer but as one who comes also seeking after our Lord and Savior.
So it is that a few days ago, I was invited to attend a Sabbath worship service at a Seventh-day Adventist congregation."
Friday findings! I love it bro... very catchy :)